Why You Should Visit a Dentist after Lockdown
Jul 01, 2020
The Coronavirus Pandemic has had the world on its knees, with many nations losing people to the virus. With strict instructions to stay home as much as possible, many business and companies have halted their activities until further notice. It has also been the case for dental facilities, even though people still need dental care.
Our big challenge at Oasis Modern Dentistry is handling the different requests that stream in from patients that need dental visits. While it may not be fit to visit a dentist during the lockdown, perhaps you should consider doing it after.
Importance of Dental Visits
Many appointments to dental facilities have been delayed and canceled because of this pandemic. Most dentists in Houston, TX are stuck at home like the rest of the human population. This has put many patients at a disadvantage as matters of oral health. The same pressure has been on patients seeking services from emergency dentistry in Houston.
Even with the unorthodox state of the world, a Houston dentist will still emphasize the importance of dental health care from the comfort of your home. Some of the benefits you will be missing out on regarding dental visits include the following:
- Teeth whitening – a whitened result on your tooth should cover you for between 6 months to a year. If it has been a while since your previous session, then the color of your teeth may not be as white as you would have them be.
- Infection treatment – a big problem in dentistry is gum disease. The initial stage of this infection is hard to detect. The signs can easily be mistaken for other oral problems. This makes up one of the primary roles of general dentists, to check for infections during regular dental visits. Without these random trips to the dentist, you will have to detect your oral infection by yourself.
- Nutritional counsel – it is hard to get yourself to stick to a healthy diet. With the intervention of a dentist, however, you have a fairer chance at nailing it in matters of nutrition.
- Cavity detection – when a cavity begins to form on your teeth, it may not be as obvious to you. Before a hole forms on the enamel of your teeth, a dentist can detect signs of oral cavities before they happen.
- Dental cleanings – deep cleans for your teeth are important to help you manage your oral health. The deep cleans are only a boost to your oral health. In between the deep cleans, it is up to you to keep up to the excellent level of hygiene.
How To Manage Your Dental Health during Lockdown
No one is sure about the date of the world with this pandemic. As the virus continues to spread, medical experts keep researching on various ways to navigate the pandemic. Whilst the lockdown remains, you must be intentional about your oral health. The following tips should help you cope:
- Brush your teeth twice – mornings and nights should be marked by thorough tooth brushing.
- Replace your toothbrush – if you haven’t done so for the last 3 months, consider this the perfect time to change up your toothbrush.
- Floss daily – the tooth brushing is not enough to keep your entire oral cavity clean. Flossing helps remove the debris and plaque in between teeth.
- Use fluoride toothpaste – it will keep your teeth white, strong, and clean.
- Eat healthily – with more home-cooked meals today than ever before, consider choosing healthy foods for the sake of your oral health and overall body health.
- Keep in touch with your dentist – just because you can’t walk into a dental facility as randomly as you would have previously does not mean you should lose touch with your dentist. Get a contact you can reach out to your dentist occasionally for dental health updates.
Dental Health After Lockdown
There is no particular prediction for when the virus will only be history. That said, there is still hope that life will resume to normalcy soon. As soon as this becomes a reality, the dentist should not be the last in your to-do list. If anything, on. Your way to grab some extra groceries for your home, run by a dental facility. Give your dentist a chance to update his/her records regarding your oral health.